Our ironing service East Grinstead works by the hour (£20 / hour) or per items (see press prices below).

If you run a guest house, restaurant or pub we are happy to quote you a discounted price (compared to the standard press prices). In addition, you may also combine ironing services with pub cleaning services that we also offer.

How many items(shirts, skirts, trousers) are ironed per one hour?

We aim to be efficient and also keep up to high quality standards so we balance at approx. 9 shirts per hour. Of course, this depends on the fabric and the current state of the garment as well (e.g. over dried, too many creases).

Ironing done by the hour or per item

Do you require a minimum order value?

There is no minimum order value for regular clients. If you are a new client or interested only in ironing and washing services the minimum order is £25.

PrePay for Shirts Ironing

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Long sleeved shirts & blouses – £2.50 each

Short sleeved shirts & blouses – £2.00 each

Formal:- Trousers/Jacket/Dress – £2.00 each

All other smaller items £1.00 each

Shirts, blouses & tops can also be individually packed in protective display bags for an additional 30p per item. Ideal for travellers. (as seen pictured above)


0-12 years – All items 60p each

from 13 years – All items 90p

BEDDING (£ each)

Sheets :almendra-1373511-1279x850

Single sheets: £2.50

Double sheets: £3.50

Kingsize sheet : £4.50

Pillowcases :

Ironing service East Grinstead, Forest Row

Each:  £1.00

Duvet covers :-

Single           £4.00

Double         £5.00

Kingsize       £6.00

Ironing Service East Grinstead, Forest Row and Crawley Down

Is there a charge for collection and delivery?
If you live within a 5 mile radius of East Grinstead, collection and delivery are included.

What is your standard turnaround time on ironing?

Our turnover time is within 48 hours depending on collection time.

When do we collect and deliver ironing?

We are collecting and delivering every day between 8:30am – 19:00pm. However, we will talk to you what time works best for you.

How do I pay for my ironing service ?

Payment in full is due on delivery of your ironing.  Also, there are 2 ways you can pay by Cash or a personal cheque supported by a valid cheque guarantee card.

What happens if I am not in when my ironing is collected or delivered?

We will always arrange our collections and deliveries at a suitable time for you during our collection and delivery hours. However if you are not in we will be happy to call back again, however, we do have to ask from you a small charge of £5 for each additional trips made.

How should I prepare and pack my clothes for ironing?

Please fold all clothes, do not stuff, into a bag or a basket that you would like them returned in. If you wash your clothes with fabric softener and not over dry them, they will be easier to iron perfectly.

Do you supply hangers?

Yes, we supply some hangers. On the other hand, In order to keep our costs down, we request that you supply your own hangers with each load.

Do you supply protective garment covers?

We are an environmentally friendly company and as such, to reduce unnecessary waste, we do not use protective garment covers as standard. However, many of our business clients prefer their shirts to be covered and we therefore offer this free.

Do you hang or fold the ironed clothes??

This is down to personal preference. Generally speaking, our clients choose to have shirts, blouses, skirts and trousers etc hung, with T shirts and other smaller items folded. It must be remembered, however, that the time taken to fold a shirt adds to the overall cost of the ironing load and also introduces unwanted creases.

Do you provide washing and drying? 

Yes, we can wash and dry any of your clothes that does not require special care (eg. like lace or silk).  The cost of a load of washing is £15.00 (washing, tumble drying, using detergent and fabric softener).

TIP: Our washing machine is 8kg professional one so one load would be eg. a full set of bedding or 10 shirts etc.

Where are the clothes ironed?

The clothes are ironed in a clean and scent, smoke free environment.

What if I only want a one off service?

We provide one off, regular weekly/fortnightly and monthly services and each will be treated with the same professional standard.